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The Training Grounds

The Training Grounds is Smithonia’s hybrid PvP and PvE MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game. It is the first fresh interaction of the Smithonia universe, tying the existing and future Smithonia NFTs to actual gameplay.

Players, utilizing free-to-play avatars or as custom-minted Smithonians, will be able to participate in team battles and fight against one another as well as an array of monster types within the designed battle arena. The minted Smithonia Weapon NFTs and Living Weapon NFTs will be wielded by battle players as they compete for leaderboard fame, resources, rewards, and $SGC.


Players will be able to join game lobbies on active servers and the match will start once 6 players have joined. The matches will last for 6 minutes (subject to change). Players will be split between two teams and battle for the most points. Points can be won for killing players and monsters on the battlefield and lost for player deaths. The team with the most points when time runs out, wins.

How it Works:

Each weapon type - Bow, Hammer, Sword, etc - will have its own fighting style and attacks. There will be the basic, standard attack and what are called Weapon Skills, which are specialty attacks. Both attack types will be diverse with a range of effects, with each one dealing a different level of damage and various cool-down times.

Players can either be strategic with their actions, work together, or simply button-mash across the screen.

Points are accumulated as the player defeats opponents, monsters, and enemy players alike, as well as Warrior Points. Warrior Points represent a player’s skill on the battlefield. They can be used to purchase Enhancement Cards from a small drawn hand during the match.

Enhancement Cards add special boosts and abilities to the player and potentially the battlefield for the remainder of the match. A purchased Enhancement Card may boost HP regeneration, double movement speed, or enhance attack speed.

Available Enhancement Cards will depend on what hand is “drawn” at the beginning of a match, and gets "redrawn" (shuffled) every time one is used. Players will also be able to spend their Warrior Points to reroll the drawn hand.

These Enhancement Cards add challenge and reward to the battle arena, not only making matches more interesting but also adding yet another element of chance to the game.


Players will also have to combat monsters bound within the Training Grounds in addition to other players.

Lieutenant Colonel Wuldruk Adrog - Battlemaster and Founder of the Training Grounds - and his students have painstakingly captured these monsters from all across the Retreived Lands to enhance the combat experience of the Training Grounds. Bound by spells, the monsters will only attack opponents when they draw too close.

But do not mistake “bound” for “tame” as these creatures are still incredibly dangerous.

The Lt. Colonel is always on the hunt for new monsters to capture for the Training Grounds, but currently there are:

  • Cursed Spider - a common general enemy that Smithonians will encounter throughout the world.

  • Bat - a common annoyance in the dark wilds of the world, they are much more dangerous in a group than alone.

  • Araphosa: Cursed Spider Mother - currently the most dangerous being in the Training Grounds. She is the mother of all of the other spiders in the arena. She is the current “boss” of the MOBA - thankfully, she is rather slow.


Players will be rewarded for playing MOBA matches as their weapons slowly gain Experience with use, increasing the chance of a successful upgrade. However, match winners will find themselves rewarded with $SGC, crafting/upgrading resources, and other valuable items.