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Living Weapon NFTs

Living Weapons hold great significance in the world of Smithonia, due to their rarity and power. These weapons are imbued with ancient power, and some folk tales even suggest that these weapons may be alive, perhaps even sentient. Due to their versatility, rarity, and unique abilities, these NFTs are arguably the most important artifacts in Smithonia and one of the key elements of the universe and ecosystem.

These NFTs exist in a limited, finite supply, with only 12,300 existing within the universe. They are more durable than regular Weapon NFTs and possess special characteristics, abilities, or attributes that Weapon NFTs do not. They might have enhanced damage, unique visual effects, specialty Staking abilities, or additional powers that make them highly desirable by players.

Unlike regular Weapons, Living Weapons can be upgraded through Smithonia’s upgrading system - as described here - allowing for an even greater chance of powerful potential for players to utilize.