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Smithonian NFTs

The world of Smithonia is inhabited by four races of intelligent, playable characters: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Humans. All four races are known as Smithonians and exist as mintable NFTs that players can acquire, stake, and customize. Each race will have different stats that affect gameplay and fighting style within the MOBA and expanding universe.

The Smithonians, with their unique races, abilities, and roles, will serve as the player's gateway to the exciting world of Smithonia. Allowing them to explore, engage in quests, and shape the future of the game through the community’s adventures and interactions.

All players will have access to a starter, free-to-play Smithonian avatar that cannot be traded or sold. Custom Smithonian characters - the NFTs described above - of each race will be available to mint for a small fee and will be tradable in the game store.

There will be no ability or utility differences between the types of avatars beyond the customization and ability to trade the Smithonian Mints. This will give all players a more even foundation from which to build within the various aspects of Smithonia.

Minting a Custom Smithonian

All players will have the ability to mint a customized Smithonian for a small fee; however, Legacy Pass holders will have a unique opportunity to acquire Smithonian mints for free.

All four races will be available to customize and mint with a plethora of appearance features to choose from. Players will be able to mix and match appearance options to their hearts’ content, where the only limits are players' imaginations and free time!

Playable Races of Smithonia

Although players might find the four playable Smithonian races familiar, they have been altered from the familiar Tolkien standards to better fit the world of Smithonia and bring players a diverse experience throughout the universe.


Dwarves are close combat specialists, created by the Goddess of Earth, Dhevi. They are known for their fighting prowess and stubborn, unrelenting personalities. Often starting fights and leaving a trail of defeated adversaries in their wake, Dwarfs bring a formidable presence to the world of Smithonia. They value hard work, craftsmanship, and skill.

Dwarves have been united under a single crown for over a thousand years, and for many centuries, prospered in Smithonia. The Dwarven Kingdom never once faced a rebellion or coup, and scholars attribute this astounding historical statistic to the fact that the Dwarvish Crown is not inherited. It is won through a competition of skill, wit, and worth - and ordained by the Goddess Dhevi herself.

She is picky about who leads the Dwarves, and those who have not impressed the Goddess and have been known to drop dead as soon as the golden, jewel-laden crown touches their heads.

The current Dwarven King is Riel Frostdancer, who has reigned for almost twenty years and is rapidly approaching the end of his term.


Elves are known for their diplomacy and honor, created by the god of Nature, Tamir. They possess great speed, dexterity, and dedication, making them excellent at evasive maneuvers and decisive strikes. Elves bring a sense of wisdom and strategic thinking to the Smithonian world. They value intellect, thoughtful action, and logic.

The Elvish Taresi Kingdom has technically existed for almost 900 years, however, the Kingdom has gone through many different iterations and ruling families since the fall of the Elvish Empire. The Taresi family has only held the throne for 200 years, and many blame the ruling family for the difficult times in the Kingdom.

The Taresi Kingdom currently sits on the brink of civil war, as the late Queen Zael Taresi II died before the Crown Princess was of age - leaving the Queen’s consort and brother fighting over the position of regent.

As turmoil looms, many elves are beginning to believe that the god Tamir has abandoned the race.


Orcs are known for their physical strength and resilience, created by the god of Weather and Conflict, Neas. They are formidable opponents in battle and excel at overcoming obstacles on and off the battlefield. They tend to be resolute, unshakable adventurers. They value familial bonds, independence, and freedom.

The Orcish Republic has only existed for the last 200 years and is the first instance in known history of the various Orc clans unifying.

They are the only democratic government legally recognized in Smithonia, and the Republic’s Chief is elected by popular vote across the many Orcish Clans. (The Orcs kept the ancient name of their clan heads in order to respect their cultural history and traditions.)

Currently, the Orcish Republic is isolated but economically stable. The current head of state is Chieftess Mogi Myzurra.


Humans are the most versatile race in Smithonia. Created by the goddess of Curiosity, Njor, they are adaptable, curious, and resilient with varying skills and backgrounds. Typically balanced between intellect and physical prowess, humans are well-rounded adventurers. They value beauty, capability, and a good sense of humor.

The Rydavan Empire - also called the Human Empire - has existed for over 400 years.

The Empire has spent nearly 200 years politely ignoring the Orcish Republic’s existence. Otherwise, the kingdom is incredibly stable on the surface. The imperial family is large and prospering, and the majority of the empire’s citizens do not loathe their existence.

Emperor Roland Rydavan II is currently sitting on the throne and has for nearly forty years. He has three rambunctious grandchildren.