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Roadmap - Looking to the Future

Smithonia is an ever-expanding universe (because it is more than a game, isn’t it?) set in Web2 and Web3 space, and far from complete. There are many amazing plans in the works, from puzzle-based quests, thrilling lore, and a multitude of game elements the team plans on introducing, but the players - you - are a key factor in bringing all that together.

Above are the current project guidelines for the near future and the main milestones as of May, 2024. This is in no way the final estimation or all that we are aiming to build, but merely the foreseeable, immediate future. If we are vague here, it is for a reason. We do not want to promise anything we will be unable to deliver.

For those of you who have read our previous Whitepaper know what some of our long-term goals are, and we wholeheartedly thank everyone in the community who has stayed with us during development, redesigning, and even acquisition.

We hope that you are as excited as we are for the road ahead.

We can’t wait to explore Smithonia with you and share the world we are building.

We’ll see you online soon,