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Pickaxe NFTs

The Pickaxe NFTs are the newest Smithonia collection. Each pickaxe represents the miners within Firestone Mine, working tirelessly on behalf of the player to harvest resource deposits. There are three kinds of pickaxes, Wood, Iron, and Gold, each one is better than the last.

A Wooden Pickaxe represents a goblin miner working on behalf of Firestone Mining. The players are not their employers, but rather the purchaser of the goods. For example, players who have the wooden pickaxe staked, "purchase" ore from Firestone Mining - but because this is a large company and the island is far away, the supplies arrive in small shipments. This is the easiest way to get Primal Stones and other resources from the mine.

Wooden Pickaxes are the common, standard tool of Firestone Mine that most begin with. They mine at the standard rate and have the lowest chance of dropping a Smithy Loot Chest.

An Iron Pickaxe represents a private contractor / freelance goblin miner that the player has hired and sent to the island. Because they are hired privately, supplies arrive more regularly and with better quality. However, hiring a private miner is expensive because of the remote nature of the island.

They are the common, upgraded tool of Firestone Mine that many professionals utilize. They mine at twice the standard rate and have a higher chance of dropping Smithy loot Chests upon completion. A Wooden Pickaxe can become an Iron one for a small fee of 0.01eth (until $SMG is launched).

A Gold Pickaxe is the best of the best and represents a private contractor/freelance miner who has joined the Mining Guild. Because the Mining Guild only allows the best miners to join, the holders of a Golden Pickaxe see greater returns from their Guild miner.

Unfortunately, these miners are very rarely available to hire, so it is often easier to simply sponsor a Guild applicant. (Aka: upgrade from Iron to Gold).

At the time of the Firestone Mine launch, there were 700 Gold Pickaxes in existence due to the celebratory launch mint. Going forward, however, these pickaxes will not be mintable, and more can only be created by upgrading an Iron Pickaxe to Gold.

Gold Pickaxes mine four times the regular rate and have the highest chance of dropping Smithy Loot Chests. An Iron Pickaxe has a 25% chance of becoming Gold upon burning a Legacy Pass to upgrade.